Our Story
It was a hot summer day in Rome and all we could find was warm bottled water. After searching for something cold, we stumbled upon a gelateria. It was then that we tasted the cool, creamy, and refreshing treat. “Is this ice cream,” we asked?
“This is the world’s finest ice cream, it is called gelato,” replied the attendant with a smile on his face. Little did we know that the word “gelato” would become such a big part of our lives. After leaving the Gelateria, we could not wait to stumble upon gelato again. As our travels lead us through different towns in Italy, we made sure we were always greeted with the finest gelato each town had to offer. Unable to control our cravings, we would sneak out at night just to have another taste.
Upon returning to the states, we could not stop thinking about the cool taste and flavor of gelato. Looking to satisfy our cravings, we tried every American ice cream on the market. Nothing seemed to come close to gelato. As our search continued, it seemed that our only option would be to take another trip to Italy.
Finally, we began to research companies that offered ingredients to make gelato. While doing so, we were able to locate a company that imports their ingredients directly from Italy to make authentic gelato. Due to pure curiosity, we set up an appointment to tour their facility, see what they had to offer, and enroll in their Gelato University. After many hours anxiously studying and learning, it was time to make our first batch of gelato. Upon our first taste, we were transported back to Italy. Finally, our overwhelming desire for the gelato was satisfied. After three days of making and creating authentic Italian gelato, we realized that this was a secret that we needed to share.
After months of planning and importing equipment and products from Italy, we are proud to introduce the finest authentic Italian gelatos and sorbets to the Tucson community. Cancel the trip to Italy and visit us at a Frost location to sample the finest Italian gelatos and sorbets.